About & Why Fleeceworks
How long did you shop for your saddle?
You spent six months doing research on saddles. You considered everything--your horse's confirmation and how it might change over the next five years. You talked to every saddle rep and vendor at the last four horse-related events. You scanned the forums and message boards and read lots of expensive-saddle-purchase-gone-wrong stories. You talked to vets, massage therapists, chiropractic specialists and your trainer. You called the saddle fitter in twice. Then, you did it. You bought the perfect saddle for your horse.
What are you going to put underneath it?
Fleeceworks of course!
Because we are passionate about the comfort and health of horses, saddle pads and saddle fit.
Owner and lead designer Judy McSwain obsesses over friction, impact ratios, moisture wicking and proportional liquid absorption percentages.
She lies awake at night thinking about natural fabrics and how much better suited they are for the job of impact absorption than polyester, plastic and some of the other stuff that's probably in the saddle pad you've been using.
You'll find her at barns all over her home state measuring saddles, and fabric, and watching how the horse moves with every adjustment or addition she makes to a pad.
No matter what your style of riding, Fleeceworks offer products that will fit your needs.
Owner Judy McSwain is a veteran. She served in the Air Force for 22 years and worked as a nurse practitioner in intensive care units.
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