Design Philosophy

The technologies we develop come from our work with our horses in daily work and competition. They are reviewed and tested by top competitors, veterinarians, saddle fitters, and chiropractors.
The materials we choose to work with are not by-products of other businesses. This. Is. All. We. Do. The items we put on into your hands are not copies of other people’s work. We are passionate about our mission and continue to look for new materials and ways to give you the best possible saddle pad.
Fleeceworks Design Points and Materials
Each material that is used in our pads was selected because it is the best choice for each particular job. Our genuine Australian sheepskin comes from older, wool producing sheep. Unlike lambskin, whose wool is very thick and tends to be coarse, the sheepskins from older sheep are dense, strong and very soft. This type of wool allows us to shear the wool down to about 1” length, which is the optimum length to protect against pressure points, deliver an effective thermal balancing layer and yet retain the fit and contact of your saddle.
The two major benefits of real sheepskin are its ability to prevent pressure points and to deliver vital thermal balance. Genuine sheepskin has long been valued in the medical field. Bedridden and wheelchair bound patients depend on it for its ability to prevent pressure points. Even a well-fitted saddle can cause pressure due to the points of the tree and stirrup bars bearing weight over the shoulders. Fleeceworks pads are carefully constructed to provide extra protection in these vulnerable areas.